Sunday, May 10, 2020

In A Conversation I Had With My Friend Rachel, I Was...

In a conversation I had with my friend Rachel, I was describing how a mutual friend of ours, an African-American girl named Aisha, applied for a job that was hiring pretty much everyone on the spot, including her Caucasian friends and lighter-skinned Asian friends. The hiring event was for a temporary job for a major event in which the employee had to usher in and direct guests to their seats. The position required no qualifications aside from being able to legally work in the U.S., which Aisha was able to do, along with everyone else she had showed up with. Everyone was hired on the spot and was told |You start next Friday,† except for Aisha, who was told â€Å"We’ll call you later this week.† All of her friends who had lighter skin colors†¦show more content†¦My suspicions were confirmed as she went on to say â€Å"It’s always dumb stuff like people getting mad over the n-word or people making fun of how black people look but it are not that ba d anymore.† At this point, I felt my ears start to grow red, a warning sign of the frustration at the injustice of it all building up inside of me. I took a deep breath and my friend, who is rather adept at telling when my anger is escalating, said hurriedly with the determination to end my tirade before it started, â€Å"It doesn’t matter anyway, okay? It didn’t happen to you or to me so don’t trip about it. And anyways, it’s not like I’m racist or anything. I don’t see color when I look at people.† Her attempt to extinguish my defense only added more fuel to my fire. 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